[s-cars] Rear ABS sensor and HRSB links

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Thu Mar 11 15:23:30 PST 2010

Young, Steve wrote:
> Tried this route when diagnosing an ABS issue on my A4.  The price was half of a new one, but they send the whole hub assy since you destroy the sensor trying to remove it.  Didn't work for me since I had new wheel bearings in my hubs already.
For whatever reason, the C4 chassis seem to give up the rear sensors 
more easily that the B5 cars. They're also easier to thread through the 
floorboards. I'm not a fan of used sensors for B5 rears, but can do the 
C4's as needed.

-Chris Semple
Concord NH
'95 S6
   '84 4000q
       '69 M-B Unimog 406

> I'd try Chris Semple for a used sensor.  <chris at force5auto.com>
>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>> I have the Happersized RSB installed and a weak point seems to be the
>> bracket break that holds the link to the axle.  After it broke, it swung
>> around and took out the boot and the ABS sensor.
>> I fixed the bracket and the boot, but now need to get the ABS sensor
>> replaced for the passenger rear side.  Stealer price is $250, and
>> GermanAutoParts.com shows it on the site, but admits they can't get it any
>> longer.  ECS Tuning is the only place I can find it, but price is close to
>> stealer.
>> Any other good places to find the ABS sensor?  Part number is 4A0927807C
>> I probably should also replace the HRSB links while I am at it.  The swivels
>> on both ends have eaten a lot of dirt and now have some play in them.  (at
>> least they don't squeak anymore)
>> Tim now in Alberta
>> 93 S4 with 200K

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