[s-cars] Weird urq behavior
urq at pacbell.net
Thu Mar 25 07:51:29 PDT 2010
... wonder why "both lists" didn't include the urq list???
I don't see how the ignition switch would cause this ... and squirting
anything into the lock cylinder isn't going to get back to the switch module
to clean contacts. My Dad taught me to use powdered graphite in lock
cylinders, not WD-40. The graphite lubricant doesn't evaporate or get
The first thing I would do is to verify the reference marks on the crank and
cam, perhaps the belt jumped a tooth and the synchronization between the
crank sensors and the distributor is marginal.
It could be grounds I suppose, especially the usual one that attaches to the
back of the intake manifold. When you say "CPS" does that mean the
reference or speed sensor? If it was not the speed sensor you may want to
try replacing it. Does the problem seem to happen when the engine is very
hot? The next suspect would be the ignition coil or coil driver (above the
glove box).
Steve Buchholz
-----Original Message-----
I figured I'd hit both lists for this.
Drove the '83 urq to work today to put some time and miles on it. Loving it
all over again.
But, at a point on the highway going out to lunch, I was slow shifting as
traffic slowed and, while the clutch was disengaged, the tach dropped
suddenly to zero, and then popped back up again. The engine just wasn't
there momentarily, and then it was. Strange.
Headed home in the evening SEVEN times during a 25 mile trip, while cruising
in 5th at about 3400 rpm, the same thing happened. Since the clutch was now
engaged, there was a momentary jerk, and on we went. One time there were
two successive instances, and then one time a couple of miles from home, it
didn't come up/back on immediately but seemed to go to about 2000 rpm
briefly, and then popped back up. To add to that, at a stop sign a mile
further, it gave two sharp jerks/shut downs, as I accelerated in 2nd gear.
Something electrical; some pick-up somewhere. CPS replaced a few months ago,
distributor cap last year. Any best guesses on where to start? Scott, you
out there? Suddenly, it isn't safe to drive, which is too bad, as now is
the best time of the year to drive it until I can source/repair the a/c
compressor. Had some leads on that, then had a Microsoft moment and lost my
emails and contacts.
BTW got a new job offer today; nice stock signing bonus, but the salary is
too much lower to consider with a kid going to college next year.
Negotiation time.
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