[s-cars] [urq] Weird urq behavior
Pat Brady
quattrojedi at aol.com
Thu Mar 25 08:01:55 PDT 2010
I also would check the ecu, I had issues with my 85 before Gary brown bought it, and as it turned out there was a crack in the board.
My. 02
Patrick Brady
08 s line 4
01 smallroad
85 ur
83 ur
urq <urq at pacbell.net> wrote:
>... wonder why "both lists" didn't include the urq list???
>I don't see how the ignition switch would cause this ... and squirting
>anything into the lock cylinder isn't going to get back to the switch module
>to clean contacts. My Dad taught me to use powdered graphite in lock
>cylinders, not WD-40. The graphite lubricant doesn't evaporate or get
>The first thing I would do is to verify the reference marks on the crank and
>cam, perhaps the belt jumped a tooth and the synchronization between the
>crank sensors and the distributor is marginal.
>It could be grounds I suppose, especially the usual one that attaches to the
>back of the intake manifold. When you say "CPS" does that mean the
>reference or speed sensor? If it was not the speed sensor you may want to
>try replacing it. Does the problem seem to happen when the engine is very
>hot? The next suspect would be the ignition coil or coil driver (above the
>glove box).
>Steve Buchholz
>-----Original Message-----
>I figured I'd hit both lists for this.
>Drove the '83 urq to work today to put some time and miles on it. Loving it
>all over again.
>But, at a point on the highway going out to lunch, I was slow shifting as
>traffic slowed and, while the clutch was disengaged, the tach dropped
>suddenly to zero, and then popped back up again. The engine just wasn't
>there momentarily, and then it was. Strange.
>Headed home in the evening SEVEN times during a 25 mile trip, while cruising
>in 5th at about 3400 rpm, the same thing happened. Since the clutch was now
>engaged, there was a momentary jerk, and on we went. One time there were
>two successive instances, and then one time a couple of miles from home, it
>didn't come up/back on immediately but seemed to go to about 2000 rpm
>briefly, and then popped back up. To add to that, at a stop sign a mile
>further, it gave two sharp jerks/shut downs, as I accelerated in 2nd gear.
>Something electrical; some pick-up somewhere. CPS replaced a few months ago,
>distributor cap last year. Any best guesses on where to start? Scott, you
>out there? Suddenly, it isn't safe to drive, which is too bad, as now is
>the best time of the year to drive it until I can source/repair the a/c
>compressor. Had some leads on that, then had a Microsoft moment and lost my
>emails and contacts.
>BTW got a new job offer today; nice stock signing bonus, but the salary is
>too much lower to consider with a kid going to college next year.
>Negotiation time.
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