[s-cars] Weird urq behavior

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 16:06:13 PDT 2010

When my 4KQ did this, it turned out to simply be the fuel pump relay. Not
that it was easy for me to find considering that I hadn't learned of the
list at that time. You know, the one I got booted from ;-)...

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Steve Marinello <smarinello at entouch.net>wrote:

> I figured I'd hit both lists for this.
> Drove the '83 urq to work today to put some time and miles on it.  Loving
> it
> all over again.
> But, at a point on the highway going out to lunch, I was slow shifting as
> traffic slowed and, while the clutch was disengaged, the tach dropped
> suddenly to zero, and then popped back up again.  The engine just wasn't
> there momentarily, and then it was.  Strange.
> Headed home in the evening SEVEN times during a 25 mile trip, while
> cruising
> in 5th at about 3400 rpm, the same thing happened.  Since the clutch was
> now
> engaged, there was a momentary jerk, and on we went.  One time there were
> two successive instances, and then one time a couple of miles from home, it
> didn't come up/back on immediately but seemed to go to about 2000 rpm
> briefly, and then popped back up.  To add to that, at a stop sign a mile
> further, it gave two sharp jerks/shut downs, as I accelerated in 2nd gear.
> Something electrical; some pick-up somewhere. CPS replaced a few months
> ago,
> distributor cap last year.  Any best guesses on where to start?  Scott, you
> out there?  Suddenly, it isn't safe to drive, which is too bad, as now is
> the best time of the year to drive it until I can source/repair the a/c
> compressor. Had some leads on that, then had a Microsoft moment and lost my
> emails and contacts.
> BTW got a new job offer today; nice stock signing bonus, but the salary is
> too much lower to consider with a kid going to college next year.
> Negotiation time.
> TIA,
> Steve
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