[s-cars] Control Arm Source and Wheel Quandry

David Kase dbkase at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 11:36:01 PDT 2010

1. dunno

2. That's a whole thing you will have to decide for yourself. - my eyes
started to glaze over about halfway through your riveting tale.   ;-)

 As far as your question at the end - audizine has a cornucopia of used
wheels for sale - both with and without tires. You gotta visit often as the
good deals go fast...Clarence.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Patient is a 95.5 Avant.
> 1.  Need a front control arm bushing, 3/4 of mine is missing.  What is the
> current sentiment on brand/source for C4 control arms?
> 2.  I'm running separate sets of summers and winters currently.
>  Unfortunately, bad roads/inattentive driving ate up two of my winter
> wheels
> this year, to the point that they cannot be balanced.  I checked on getting
> them fixed and the price was $125/wheel, which is fairly steep for winter
> wheels based on my budget.  Those wheels are 17x7.5 2003 Audi A4 5 spokes
> and I have 1 season old 225/45/17 snows on them.  Bought the set of rims
> with no tires for $125 last year, a steal, I know.
> I now know why Bob R. said to go with 16's for snows...  The summer rims
> that I run are 17x8’s which I usually run 245/40/17’s on, but I don’t have
> any tires mounted on them now.
> I am more inclined to replace the existing winter set of wheels (depending
> on what I can talk my wife into as she thinks that 3 cars and 7 sets of
> wheels and tires is already enough…) as opposed to fixing them, but I am
> probably somewhat constrained on price.  Finding that there are some used
> wheel sets out there that I could probably get into for reasonable cost.
> Question:  Anyone in the Northeast have some 17" wheels they need to
> offload?  Anyone know of a more reasonable wheel repair facility in the
> Northeast?  I have until next winter to fix them, so no rush.
> Thanks,
> Abe
> Burlington, VT
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