[s-cars] NF or 7A block substitution (and possibly MC)
Ben Swann
benswann at verizon.net
Sat Mar 27 15:08:53 PDT 2010
I've got a few things waiting in the wings, but looking for a best alternative. The guy
who blew the DS200 engine owes me and should have an engine - probably a 7A. Also have
a 3B possible - blown HG, but I plan to teardown and B&B anything I get.
LMK how much for shipping and I can paypal you for the condensor.
LMK when you are headed up this way.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 4:04 PM
To: Ben Swann
Cc: P Cole; <s-car-list at audifans.com>; Quattro List; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NF or 7A block substitution (and possibly MC)
I've only got two MC's both of which I need and that KH that you are welcome to. Wish I
could help.
-Cody (mobile)
On Mar 27, 2010, at 3:28 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:
> Well after all the Q&A regarding trying to use an NF block I have and
> even had possible solutions, it won't happen. The NF block is NFG -
> except to use as a counterweight on my boat tide compensation system
> (glorified boat anchor).
> So I'll have to find another engine or block to toy with. A short
> block from 3B, MC or AAN would be most straightforward. I have
> rebuild parts for 7A as well.
> Ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com]
> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 9:54 AM
> To: Ben Swann
> Cc: P Cole; <s-car-list at audifans.com>; Quattro List;
> <200q20v at audifans.com
> >
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] NF or 7A block substitution (and possibly MC)
> No, 3B rods will not fit a MC crank. All 10v cranks are 46mm rod
> journals, all 20v cranks are 48mm journals. All rods fit all pistons,
> but 10v rods must be on a 10v crank and 20v rods on a 20v crank.
> I'll add that my direct experiance is with turbo engines of 20v and
> 10v plus 7A, but I am very sure that the above applies to all Audi
> 5cyl before the new ones of recent manufacture.
> -Cody (mobile)
> On Mar 27, 2010, at 12:50 AM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net>
> wrote:
>> OK - looks like I'm getting somewhere.
>> NF block (have the NF crank, pistons and rods but probably won't
>> use) with some
>> combination of pistons and rods. AFAIK this block does come with
>> piston oil squirters installed. If not I can install some - if I
>> recall it is not a difficult retrofit. No problem machining oil
>> return into the boss on the block - I forget if there is a return in
>> the 3B pan like there is on the AAN.
>> I might be able to use the 3B(20V) crank from wasted engine if it is
>> not shot peened by the flailing rod ***story below***
>> If 3B crank shot then I have MC(10V) crank
>> I have complete set of 3B rods and Pistons - not the ones in the
>> messed up engine.
>> I also should have MC pistons and rods, but sounds like using 3B
>> internals is best.
>> So in short, I think if the 3B crank is wasted then my best choice it
>> to install MC-1 crank with 3B rods and pistons. There ought not be
>> any need to use special head gasket or anything like that.
>> Hopefully I can do a quick teardown and build in order to get the car
>> on the road. In the long run, I have the 3.7 aluminum V8 I'm
>> building to accommodate twin turbos!
>> Ben
>> Story *** I lent the Deerslayer http://www.gtquattro.com/
>> 200Q20V8.html to a friend - ig mistake. He must have mashed the gas
>> pedal while merging. Said he was not able to shut it down
>> immediately and engine bounced off the rev. limiter for about 15 sec.
>> He called to report what he thought was noisy lifters. The car went
>> over 150 miles with the rod coming loose and eventually flapping
>> about. All this time thinking it was noisy lifters! Driver finally
>> realized the problem was not coming from the top of the engine when
>> the car stalled. Upon restart, noticed the noise had gotten worse
>> and saw some oil leaking around the turbo - still thought problem was
>> due to losing oil pressure thru the
>> oil line. And no I was not the driver! The minute I started the
>> car up I winced at
>> the carnage! So much for no good deeds going unpunished.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 12:15 AM
>> To: Ben Swann
>> Cc: P Cole; s-car-list at audifans.com; Quattro List;
>> 200q20v at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] NF or 7A block substitution (and possibly MC)
>> Nope, the 20v cars used different size rod journals on the
>> crankshaft.
>> You'd need a 20v crank to match the 20v rods. Or you can use a 10v
>> crank (turbo and NA are the same) with MC rods and 3B pistons.
>> IIRC the only difference in the bare block between post 1985 10v
>> blocks is the hole for the turbo oil return and I'm not sure if the
>> non-turbo blocks have the piston oil squirters. All other turbo
>> related parts (oil filter housing, turbo coolant return freeze plug,
>> head, etc) is all a matter of bolting it on.
>> -Cody (mobile)
>> On Mar 26, 2010, at 11:04 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Paul, all!
>>> OK - How will the combination of NF block with 3B Pistons and Rods
>>> work? This is a combination I have/can assemble with parts on hand.
>>> Is the NF block different than the MC blocks or is the difference
>>> crank and rods?
>>> Ben
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: P Cole [mailto:pcolegrps at comcast.net]
>>> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 10:25 PM
>>> To: Ben Swann
>>> Subject: RE: NF or 7A block substitution (and possibly MC)
>>> On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 19:48:04 -0400, Ben Swann wrote:
>>>> Thanks all for the replies so far. I just wanted to know if I
>>>> could use the NF block
>>> as a reasonable substitute for a blown 3B. I have in my garage
>>> with all parts to
>>> rebuild the NF. I may have an MC sitting here too. I have
>>> internals for both MC-1 and NF.
>>>> Interesting that the NF which is high compression motor makes low
>>>> comp when putting on
>>> a 3B head - doesn't make sense. When you put an NF head on an MC-1
>>> block - that is good combination. MC-1 is a good substitute for the
>>> 3B. So, what makes the compression go so low?
>>> Combustion chamber SIZE- in the 10v heads it's 27cc in the 20v heads
>>> it's 44cc ( or something like that)
>>>> I thought that the NF and 7A were similar, if not the same block? I
>>>> don't have a 7A but
>>> can get one if that is a better alternative.
>>> Piston size and dish depth are another BIG difference between the
>>> various I5 engines.
>>> The high compression 10v's have small dish pistons in the same
>>> combustion chamber as the 10 turbo cars do hence the higher CR.
>>>> Is there an ideal combination: on hand - NF block, 3B pistons and
>>>> rods, MC-1 pistons
>>> and rods, NF pistons and rods. Rings and bearings, seals for them.
>>>> I would like to use what I have to put together a decent block to
>>>> install 3B head on -
>>> without getting into procuring odd and esoteric combinations. Just
>>> want to use what I have on hand, possibly procuring head-gasket and
>>> a few odd bits. No problem machining oil return line - BTDT.
>>> The bigger issue is the crank and pistons - I think all the I5's had
>>> forged cranks, all the turbo cars did for sure. The pistons in most
>>> NA cars are cast whereas the turbo cars all had forged pistons. I
>>> think Audi used forged rods in all the I5's but I'd have to check
>>> the
>>> NA cars.
>>>> Ben
>>>> S-car-list in copy because I thought I'd seen this done for AAN
>>> --
>>> //************************
>>> Paul R. Cole::pcolegrps at comcast.net
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