[s-cars] Coolant Warning Light (Maybe MFTS?) issue still.....

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Tue May 18 05:57:03 PDT 2010

also check the sensor connection at the expansion tank, very simple there, ,
could also give a little shake after you remove the 3 screws and
listen/feel  confirm the little float moves.

as fot the MFTS.. that switch *harness* was badly corroded and very brittle
a few months ago, fortunately i had previously pulled a good one at a
salvage yard that I spliced in. At the least it might be prudent to check
the female pins tightness and invest in some De-Oxit to clean the terminals.
that spray saved my ass many times.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Jim Fleischer <jim at almgt.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> So, about a month ago my Coolant Temp Warning light started flashing and I
> was able to track down a small coolant leak above where the MFTS sits.  I
> was able to re-sit the hose and reclamp, and leaky no more.  I also dried
> off the MFTS and the wires, let sit overnight to dry and reconnected.  The
> light still flashes.  Could the MFTS have shorted out internally, and is
> there a way to test this?  Someone wrote something about just unhooking the
> wires to the MFTS and the warning should stop (they weren't quite sure this
> would work, though).  Tried this and the warning still flashes, so not sure
> if this was a valid test, or if I have an issue elsewhere.
> So, should I go ahead and order up a new MFTS?  Best source for said MFTS?
>  Should I look elswhere for the cause of the warning?  Coolant level is
> topped off, and the temp gauge works as it always has.  Any suggestions much
> appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Jim Fleischer
> '95 urS6 avant with 90K
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