[s-cars] 99 A4 1.8T no start

seanupchurch at comcast.net seanupchurch at comcast.net
Thu May 20 11:14:33 PDT 2010

I know it's the S-list but you guys seem to have the answers to most questions... 

Patient is a 99 A4 1.8T that does not start.  Engine cranks but does not fire.  Happened to my wife the other day as well, then driving on freeway last night car quit running for a second, started up, quit again and then started, during this little episode I did not depress the clutch.  It all happened within about 3 seconds.  We continued to destination with no problem.  Driving home, on freeway again, car dies and it does not want to start.  While rolling on shoulder I am able to start it again (can't remember if I cranked or let the clutch out to get it started again) and drove home without another occurance. 

This morning patient would not start.  Still cranks but does not want to fire...  I am thinking fuel pump.  Any ideas?  And to top it all off, I cannot find VAG-COM interface anywhere in my house 


Sean U 

Bothell, WA 

95.5 S6 Avant 

99 A4 1.8T Avant 

87 4000T quattro (middle of head gasket replacement)

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