[s-cars] Rear track control arm (rear wheel camber adjuster)

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Sun May 23 18:34:07 PDT 2010

Has anyone managed to remove a rear track control arm - the one that sets
the camber on a rear wheel? The outer side is easy, but the inner side needs
a ball joint puller tool - I've got four of these tools (two general-purpose
pullers, and two tie-rod-end-removal tools), and none of them fits as
there's not a lot of room in there.

Last time I needed to do one, I gave up on the inner ball joint, and just
replaced the outer joint (which was the end that had excessive wear).

Any tips gratefully received!

Paul Heneghan

  Appledore, Leys Road
  WR11 8LZ

  Work: (01386) 420120
  Home: (01386) 871565
  Mobile: 07740 476754
  Work Fax: (01386) 420127

  Home: paul at heneghan.co.uk
  Work: paul.heneghan at bbc.co.uk

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