[s-cars] Window tint recommendations

Jim Fleischer jim at almgt.com
Mon May 24 13:16:32 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I have a Black on Black '95 s6 avant, and since I've moved back to Colorado, I am in need of some window tint to help block some heat.  I have two dogs that go with me lot of places, and while I don't leave them in the car, the sun tends to warm the car incredibly, and they get hot just while we are driving.  Any recommendations on a reflective-type window tint that doesn't look ghetto?  Not interested in a Silver or Gold Fade Metallic that seems to be a favorite of the ricer crowd.  Just something subtle but effective.  I am also recharging my A/C system to help stay cool, but figure some tint would go a long way to preventing heat buildup.


Jim Fleischer
'95 s6 avant (feeling like a fishbowl)

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