[s-cars] AUDIophile! Stereo Options?
qshipq at aol.com
qshipq at aol.com
Fri Nov 5 06:34:17 PDT 2010
Agree with Lee here Bob... I have a class A system at home, and have built several multi-amp systems for my cars over the years, mostly using 90's vintage (RCA out only) components, and the sound stage of a vehicle can be as good or better than home, because it's easier to optimize a small fixed space.
What gives true audio a bad rap now (car and home) is the ipod and .mp3 derived music as the 'accepted' standard for listening. If one is content with mp3 format listening, then spending money on a killer system for car or home is silly. The key is to go full format recording, which doesn't compress the sound like mp3. At the end of the day, along with mp3 compressing, signal processing is only as good as the worst component, which in the case of 'islogs' is the crappy D/A converters used in them. Phones are worse... Most ipods type D/A are something in the range of 80db signal to noise, which means there really is no such thing as a 'killer' system if using that component as the source.
That said, sirius radio has certainly upped the ante towards better 'radio' listening, and I find it somewhat ironic that using sat rad as the source, many times is better than what folks have built for home or car otherwise. As one immersed in quality sound components when the high end wars were at the peak (circa 1992), I find the newest toys to take a huge step back in sound quality, when the new technology is capable of so much more....
My .02
Scott J
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com>
To: S car list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 4, 2010 10:49 am
Subject: Re: [s-cars] AUDIophile! Stereo Options?
Bob writes:
> > So, why build a super sound system?
You're both right and wrong. :)
I'd consider myself an audiophile...worked in the business many years
ago and have assembled a pretty nice sound system over the years - Adcom
separates, Adcom CD player, Nak tape, B&O linear tracking turntable, B&W
speakers...I've always wanted a pair of Magneplanar speakers, but have
never had the room appropriate for them. I also built one good (not high
end) car stereo, back in the late '80s -- ADS separates (both speakers
and multiple amps), and an Alpine head unit. It cranked. :)
On to your question. The noisy car environment is awful for critical
listening. Not to mention that the environment has other requirements,
like paying attention to the countryside that's whizzing by at 65 mph,
and the latte in the cup holder. Turn up your stereo and you're
unlikely to hear the ringing cellphone or the warning from the V1.
So, no, it's not an ideal place to audition a critically acclaimed
recording of a string quartet.
On the other hand, because of the confined environment, with mix of
reflective and absorbing surfaces, it's a pretty good place to, um, rock
out. You're also typically alone in the car, with no neighbors to bang
on the door or the ceiling, asking you to "turn it down."
For a relatively small investment in car audio, say $2K-$3K, you can get
a great sounding system. That same investment in a home system will get
you a *piece* of a system -- maybe speakers, or an am/pre-amp combo, a
good CD player...but not a complete system.
So if you want thump in your trunk, go for the car audio. If you want
the finest in a listening experience, stay home. :)
If your budget allows, do both!
Just my .02.
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