[s-cars] anybody got an extra clone USB VAG-COM cable lyin around?

JC jc at j2c3.com
Fri Nov 5 14:02:07 PDT 2010

Any o' you jamokes got a spare working clone VAG-COM USB cable you want to
dispose of for cheaps?  I'm looking for one to modify for use with the
Just to be clear, I need the old skool style USB (from China or someplace
like it) that works with VAG-COM v.409 like are available all over teh
interwebz, and NOT the new fancy slick CAN-bus compatible kind. 
I know I can snap one up from China for $15 at any time but just thought I'd
toss it out there in case somebody has upgraded to the new kool ones and has
an old one lying around gathering dust.  
Disclaimer just to be clear - I'm not trying to hack around at all with
VCDS, I'm fully paid legally licensed HEX+CAN owner for my VolksAudi needs
and a firm Ross-Tech supporter.  This is purely to mod an old style VAG-COM
cable for use w/ BMW software... TIA
---- current ----
1995.5 S6 Avant 
2003 E46 M3 Cic
2008 A3 2.0tDSG
---- past lives ----
2006 A4 2.0TQA
1998 A6Q 2.8 PES G2
1989 200TQA SJM
1990 CQ
1997 A4 1.8TQ Wett
1987 4kCSQ 
John J. Cunningham
 <mailto:jc at j2c3.com> jc at j2c3.com
US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
China Mobile: +86 (0) 136 8175 8180

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