[s-cars] headlight bulbs

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Fri Nov 12 11:42:51 PST 2010

If I follow you, you mean the Hellas go up with the grill when the hood 
is opened?  So run wires back to the hood hinge and then to your relays, 
wherever they are.

On 11/12/2010 2:05 PM, Danton J.A. Cardoso wrote:
> John,
> But what if they are mounted on the grille- how can you access that wiring?
> Keep this in mind, when the hood is raised, the area around the grille is
> raised, but the lights are exposed.  Do you understand where I am coming
> from?
> Cheers!
> Danton
> From: jlagnese at massed.net [mailto:jlagnese at massed.net]
> Sent: Friday, 12 November, 2010 13:02
> To: Danton J.A. Cardoso; 'Robert Myers'; 'LL - NY'
> Cc: 'S-CAR list'; 'quattro list'
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] headlight bulbs
> You could relay them with the trigger wire tapping into the headlight
> wiring.
> John
> ---- Original message ----
> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 12:57:56 -0600
> From: "Danton J.A. Cardoso"<djacardoso at gmail.com>
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] headlight bulbs
> To: "'Robert Myers'"<bob at chips-ur-s.com>, "'LL - NY'"
> <larrycleung at gmail.com>
> Cc: "'S-CAR list'"<s-car-list at audifans.com>, "'quattro list'"
> <quattro at audifans.com>
>> Ok, here is a question for all... If one were to mount Hella 500's on the
>> grille area, how/where can they tap into the headlight/parking light
>> circuit, so they fire on when those lights are turned on? This would be
>> done on a B5 A4. I am thinking of doing this- and I really do not want an
>> independent switch. Also, a relay will be used, no question.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
>> Behalf Of Robert Myers
>> Sent: Friday, 12 November, 2010 09:51
>> To: LL - NY
>> Cc: quattro list; S-CAR list
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] headlight bulbs
>> Yeah, Larry. Almost got Bambi last night. Thank you HID frog
>> lights. ;-) These roads I drive on in these parts are DARK and
>> Bambi can hide very well right on the shoulder (or what passes for a
>> shoulder hereabouts) even with good lighting.
>> At 10:32 AM 11/12/2010, LL - NY wrote:
>>> Bob,
>>> Have you ever tried the Toshiba HIR 9011 bulbs in the high
>>> beams(<http://www.powerbulbs.com/>www.powerbulbs.com) ? Seriously
>>> stupid amounts of well placed light, however, the color temp is
>>> probably not up to your cosmetic needs. Any incandescents that have
>>> a color temp remotely close to 5K K are probably all tinted, since
>>> an incandescent glow that'll last is really just not all that hot.
>>> End result is less light, and less time to react to Bambi.
>>> LL - the deer dodger - NY
>>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Robert Myers
>>> <<mailto:bob at chips-ur-s.com>bob at chips-ur-s.com>  wrote:
>>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>>> Hi Y'all,
>>> After converting the low beams and the front fogs to 5000K HID bulbs
>>> in my urS6 the ordinary OEM high beams are now looking awfully
>>> yellow. The cosmetics of it are bothering me. The "obvious"
>>> solution is to do the high beams in HID as well except for the
>>> delayed turn-on of the HID lights. So...
>>> In spite of my natural skepticism I have been seeing ads for those
>>> Sylvania SilverStar bulbs which look (in the ads) to be closer in
>>> look to my HIDs than the OEM lights. Does anyone have any BTDTs with
>>> these lights? Are they actually brighter than OEM bulbs? What does
>>> the color temperature look like compared to HID lights? Would I just
>>> end up throwing my money away if I were to try the SilverStar bulbs?
>>> Bob
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Huw Powell



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