[s-cars] UrS as a Purpose Built Track Car?

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 06:56:36 PST 2010

My wife and I were at a Summit Point track event when her S4 had a boost
hose blow off. I temporarily swapped her my S6 while I fixed the S4, and
took it out on the track for a few laps to make sure there weren't any other
problems. While I was out there I passed a few 3-series BMWs, not thinking
much about it. Later in the pit area they came over and said it was bad
enough being passed by a big sedan, but having the Winnie the Pooh and
Tigger waving at them as I went by was really a bit much. Her car still had
the Winnie and Tigger sun shades on the rear windows ;-)

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net> wrote:

> Not quite germane to the original post, but fun to consider nonetheless:
> make it an Avant, bolt some kid seats to the rollcage in the stripped back
> seat area, and really piss off the "Flatout" (
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7iUKaPlBl8) rubes...
> -Ian.
> On 15 Nov, 2010, at 09:26, qshipq at aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Years ago, I got to drive one of the urS4's Ivor put together. It was
> really fast, and well sorted in terms of handling. There's plenty of
> potential there, it's all about the weight, and plenty can be shed.  I have
> also built and tuned a type 44 5000tq race car for the track (2700lbs wet),
> and the first comment from Probst after his drive in it at Brainerd a few
> years ago" "It's so easy to drive fast"....
> > http://forums.audiworld.com/album.php?albumid=37342&pictureid=99119
> >
> > Battery to the trunk, strip it down, 28mm wagon swaybar front, 26mm sb
> rear, coil overs rear, some stiff springs in front, torsen rear axle...
>  Needs some monster brakes front and rear, but there is no question it will
> be really quick.  I'm a big fan of the Type 44,D2,C4 chassis as a baseline
> for a performance car.  Short of full out racing, they will perform quite
> well against a lot of bigger dogs, with drivers working much harder to
> achieve the same speed.
> >
> > My .02
> >
> > Scott J
> >
> >
> >
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