[s-cars] Single mass flywheel for 96 UrS6

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 03:39:50 PST 2010

There are a few options:

- Aluminum lightweight flywheel
- 7A flywheel (from a 20V NA Coupe Quattro or sedan- 90-91)
- Aftermarket steel. 

034 Motorsports sells the aftermarket units, but be aware that you may need a non-stock clutch kit to match up to the one piece flywheel. 

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Bruce <Biochoice at telus.net> wrote:

> Gentle Folks
> Have to replace the clutch in my stock 1996 S6.  Have a good source 
> for a stage 2 Southbend but have not found a source for a single mass 
> flywheel to go with it.  What's in the list's opinion is the best for 
> daily driving with almost stock feel and usable for possible slight 
> performance upgrades later.
> Aluminium vs steel?   Good priced supplier?  I'm located on the west 
> coast of Canada.
> Thanks
> Bruce
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