[s-cars] Heater not working

JR audiurs4 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 18:06:50 PDT 2010

The blower works.  I get tons of airflow in the cabin.  The problem is 
that the air is the temperature that it is outside, even with the heat 
set to HI (or any other temp hotter than it is outside).  I let the car 
sit for 15 minutes with the climate control set to HI.  The engine was 
all warmed up, but there was no change to the temp of the air blowing 
from the blower.  The hoses going into the firewall both get hot so the 
coolant seems to be going in and out.


On 10/23/2010 07:53 PM, Darin Nederhoff wrote:
> Servo flap under the cowling?  Does your blower work but without flow
> into the cabin?
> Darin Nederhoff
> Sent from my iPhone
> 612.293.6575
> On Oct 23, 2010, at 7:32 PM, JR<audiurs4 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Now that I have my alternator, power steering and brakes working again,
>> it's time to fix the heater.  I get no heat in the cabin.  Just in case,
>> I replaced the thermostat while I had the alternator out, but that
>> didn't fix it.  Anyone know where I should look next?
>> Thanks,
>> JR
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