[s-cars] H2O foot forever

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Mon Sep 13 07:11:17 PDT 2010

Peter rained       

"Same here 

My go pedal foot would get wet when it rained.

Finally figured out that the top ride side of the heaterbox foam seal on the
firewall side had pulled out or was never installed properly. - it was about
1/2 inch out of the box, and in the right situations, acted like a funnel."


Hey Peter,

Thanks for them beers BTW!

I think doing a clutch is easier than this.  

Apparently we had Monday morning Hans on gasket placement patrol on the
assembly line.  

Mine almost looks like he designed it to strategically dump h2o on the
future drivers foot:/

My challenge now will be to get all the motors and flaps back to proper
working position.  

Dunno how to do this so I'm open to suggestions, but my plan is to
reassemble the box tonight for reinstall maybe tomorrow.  

Is there a vagcom way to assure proper operation?  

Bill~good luck to me~M



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