[s-cars] The final screw or, glass in the ass.

David Kase dbkase at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 09:18:21 PDT 2010

Yeah Bill - just go with a NASCAR style window net...

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:49 AM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:

> My Baloney had a first name'd:
> <<<Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 14:46:47 -0500
> From: bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] The final screw or, glass in the ass.
> So anyhoo, in this chapter of the holy Toledo glass break in saga, as you
> may recall, the Safelite Autoglass (Coventry division) couldn't do the
> install because the installer said a clip that holds the glass was broken
> and that I probably need a whole new regulator. And so; we just taped the
> new glass into place. When I get back home, I arrange with Safelite to get
> me oem real Audi glass and come to install it
> ..............SNIPPORAMARAMA!!!!!...........................
> All cleared up with a 15 minute phone call to the weakend Safelite high
> command. Things are going my way. Things are happenin'! Nice.
> Long story short, we get everything all apart and find the old regulator is
> FINE, just off the track, but since I have the new one with upgraded clips,
> we might as well install it.
> Fresh out of "Tape This University" (TTU) just a few weeks ago, I go to
> extra lengths to secure the inner foam panel to the door frame because I am
> sure I will not have to revisit the inner door again for many years.
> Then, since there is only one screw left to install, I leave it to the guy
> who took it all apart and retire to the kitchen for a celebratory cup of
> java. It's all good:) Nope.
> Cause when I come back 5 min. later he reports he scratched the glass.
> ..............SNIPPORAMARAMA!!!!!...........................
> The one screw left was too short for the last hole left at the bottom of
> the door since he had put the longer screw in the hole in the door handle.
> What happened next you can probably guess.
> He must have lowered the window for some reason / test to see if the screw
> he installed below the handle was correct? New glass did not clear this long
> screw. Nope. New glass scratched.
> Did I mention that the new piece of genuine, four ring, Audi glass just got
> scratched? We're going to try this again next week. It's always easier on
> the second go around. Even easier after the third or fourth.
> Bill~won't return to holy Toledo~M>>>
> HAhahahahahaa d'oeth Balogna!
> Man, you'll be on your what (gasp) FOURTH WINDOW on that car in - oh, hmmm
> - a few months?
> What, the multi-trans-removal ritual (surpasses routine) has been usurped
> with "this"???  Time does march on, apparently.  Onward / upward!
> So, annual Road to Nowhere (der //Festivus) journey will now feature this,
> reoccurring theme?  Your in the midst of making it a //Sport there, chiefy.
>  Impressive.
> Dying here.  Dying here. Can't make this stuff up.  Nope.
> Your misery = my humor.  Lovin it, thanks!
> -Paul only you, and, better you than me K.
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