[s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up

Tim Dahm tim.dahm at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 13:01:31 PDT 2010

What Dave said..  Experienced it first hand in a SHO (Taurus rustbucket).
Rod knock most apparent when engine is at that load/no load transition.
Louder when oil is hot/thin.
Stop running engine now.  If you don't want to pull anything apart to
diagnose, an oil analysis will tell you the story.  In my case a dip stick
inspection with a magnifying loupe showed plenty of metal in the oil.   I
was able to slip new rod bearings in with the engine/crank in the car.  The
new bearings just about doubled hot oil pressure at idle.  Lasted more than
long enough to get rid of that car.

93/94/94 S4s
91 cq

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:19 PM, <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:

>  You gotta do what you gotta do.... but if it were me, I wouldn't run that
> car another second if you suspect a slight rod knock.  There is an outside
> chance that a bearing is starting to go, and that the crank surface is still
> good, and the big end of the rod is not out of round.
> If the stars align and the above is true, you could change your rod
> bearings, re-check you clearances, and be down the road for $150 and some
> elbow grease.
> If you run it further, you may be pulling your engine for a rebuild.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
>  Sent: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 1:05 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> I agree. What I figured is that things would look good in there with the
> scope, meaning clean. Soo, I would then know I had to schedule down time in
> my garage to get it sorted.
> Visiting someone I talk with when I get the chance, while I drain my oil
> (even into a clean jug, so i can pour it back in) and dig on his fancy
> tools, sounded better to me than dropping the pan and having a tied up
> garage for a week, being I could delay for a week and beter schedule the
> time.
> -Brian
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:50 PM,  <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> OK....
> Now I really don't care about your control arm bushings, or any other front
> end hardware.  You need to pull your pan, and you need to measure your con
> rod clearances.  If it is in fact rod noise, you may still have a chance of
> being able to sort this out with the engine still in the car.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 12:40 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> //Siiiigh,
> Theres a noticable, what sounds to me like a rod knock, slightly below and
> into 3k RPM..
> It doesnt happen at all when cold cold and oil pressure is steady high. It
> doesnt happen under boost (at least not noticably, yet)(did I say yet..oops)
> or deceleration. Once warmed and light on the throttle it is quite apparent
> to me, but I did have to point it out to my friend.
> kinda wanna puke, kinda staying optimistic, but im pretty confident Lucas
> and Amsoil are not the cure..
> -Brian
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:00 PM,  <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
>  No doubt your experience may have been different, but I got mine out just
> pulling the front bolts.
> Back to the original issue... what makes you think your pickup might have
> issues?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 10:49 am
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> Not saying remove the control arms, but break the bolts free & drop down
> along with the 2 front and 2 rear sub-frame bolts.
> I thought the CA bolts went through the sub, into the body. I dont remember
> getting enough play out of just dropping the front like you suggest. Or
> maybe I was uncomfortable with the stress I was putting what remained
> attached.
> Whatever the case, I do remember trying to be minimal about removing the
> oil pan and it turning into more than just two front sub bolts to get it
> out.
> -Brian
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:27 AM,  <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
>  I never said anything about removing your control arms...
> Seriously, you can get the oil pan out by just dropping the front of the
> subframe... no need to touch the control arm points.  BTDT...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Wed, Sep 15, 2010 8:41 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> I know, but I just replaced the control arms and im a hardware freak.
> "Always replace" may not mean always, as I remember you speaking to before,
> but my policy is to replace them every other time and they've all been
> re-torqued once..
> -Brian
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 10:32 PM,  <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
>  If you've got that sort of concern, I'd just drop the oil pan... it isn't
> that rough.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
> To: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>; liSt <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wed, Sep 15, 2010 8:07 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> Brian,
> 17-3 of the AAN engine manual shows the pick up in illustration 17-303,
> looks to
> be in the front to me.
> Here is a link where you can download the manual in pdf format.
> http://s2-audi.co.uk/workshop/aan/aan.pdf
> Chris
> ________________________________
> From: brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
> To: liSt <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 9:58:13 PM
> Subject: [s-cars] Borescope'ing the oil pick-up
> Hi list,
> I am concerned that I may have a contaminated engine oil pick-up screen.
> Wondering if anyone has had any success using a borescope in the oil pan.
> I forget, but ithought the AAN pick-up is in the front of the pan, but
> forget if the baffles, however minimal, or dimensions make using a
> borescope
> for this task even possible, going in through the drain plug hole.
> A colleague of mine has a snap-on borescope with fancy lighting effects,
> but
> if it cant even contort into place, whats the point.
> Just typing to know if theres any BTDT for this scenario.
> thanks, Brian
> --
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