[s-cars] Problem with 94 S4
brian hoeft
qweblog at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 06:52:11 PDT 2010
My knee jerk reaction is to say multiple issues.. The wastegate solenoid is
easy enough to remove and bench test.. you could have a boost leak that's
minor, but usually it takes a big tear to make it want to stall. In that
case, disconnecting the MAF sensor would make the situation better or worse.
Better=check boost hoses, worse=probably something else..
Hopefully you learned a valuable lesson in routine maintenance with the fuel
filter. I only remember finding contaminated injectors with neglect or
abuse,,, well, until recently with some of the FSI's..
If you have *donated* to SJM for tech support youre in good hands, keep us
posted with results.
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Gregory Wolters <gjwarch at sbcglobal.net>wrote:
> Hi All,
> Once again, I turn to the list. I put in my new fuel filter and some
> issues
> have come up.
> I'm waiting to hear from SJM regarding a wastegate solenoid and some
> advice.
> Here's what I sent...
> Hi Scott,
> After replacing the fuel filter(which was completely clogged) I have had
> several
> issues. I took it on a test drive, still running rough, but all the
> cylinders
> are firing. I buy 2 bottles of Techronand add to the gas, thinking some
> crud
> got past the old fuel filter. Then it starts to try to die and check
> engine
> light flickers. I get home and pull code 4421. Fuel injector #5 passes
> the
> output click 5 times test so I figure the injector is dirty. I figured
> I'd
> give the Techron time to work.
> Took it on the freeway yesterday and by the time I got to the next off
> ramp
> (less than a mile) the dash lights are freaking out and the engine is
> trying to
> die. I keep the revs up and get back home. Today I pulled code 1111. I
> checked all grounds and disconnected the battery for an hour. I hooked
> everything up. Before starting I went through the output test.
> Everything
> passed except the wastegate solenoid made no sound.
> Started it up, after about 30 seconds it just dies unless I rev it up. I
> pulled the codes and got 4421 again. Ran output test again with same
> result...
> no noise from the wastegate solenoid.
> I should tell you that my turbo boosthasn't been working for awhile. It
> worked
> sometimes when it is cold outside, but not during normal running. I was
> hoping
> the fuel filter was the problem. Perhaps it is the wastegate solenoid.
> So, I may have 2 problems... a dirty injector #5 (is there a fuse or a
> breaker
> for the individual injectors? I read about that in the output codes.) and
> a
> bad wastegate solenoid.
> I checked you parts site and couldn't find one. Are they available?
> Thanks,
> Greg Wolters
> 1994 S4
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
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