[s-cars] Another Noobie! (Long & Possibly Boring!)

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Wed Sep 29 15:27:49 PDT 2010

It wouldn't have been nearly so long in your case, Cheeseman, if you  
stuttered and sent the same thing twice.  Is there no hope for you?

I have seen a lot of Ocap for BMW, particularly brake parts.  Some  
sites offer
Ocap rotors for the S4/6 but I don't know any users.  I would go slow  
and make
sure that is a rave and not just a rant.  TRW has the best reputation  
here for control
arms even though you have to search to find them and they cost more.   
Because most
suspension parts have gone to China factories, and there have been  
problems with
the rubber bushings separating from the metal sleeves, some on the  
list will recommend
dealer parts only, especially for the upper strut mount.
The FAQ on quattroworld.com has a list of parts providers.   
will be a necessary one since some parts are dealer only.  This San  
Diego dealer has
the best prices for these vehicles.  Their catalog is one originally  
sold to collision
repair shops and now offered to dealers wanting  to sell online.   
There are many errors
trying to use it for UrS4/6 parts, so you need part numbers or time  
for the dealer to look
it up and respond by email.

Tom '95 S6
          '95.5 S6 avant
Knoxville, TN

On September 29, 2010, at 2:51 PM, David Kase <dbkase at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have had 6 or 7 Audi's over the past 12 years - did all my own  
> work and
> have never used Blau.  Good service I think but you pay for it with  
> the part
> prices.
> fap99.com is where I source my new parts from, also used and some  
> new from
> Chris at force5auto.com
> Dave Kase

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