[s-cars] Clutch Issues
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 2 17:27:28 PDT 2011
Ahh yes this is VERY familiar to me, it could be as simple as a broken clutch pedal
or the actuating rod for the clutch master cylinder. Both broke on my car, the pedal
first then the rod second.
Clutch pedal is ~$95 from the dealer and while it can be challenging to replace
doesn't require bleading the hydraulics. If you need a clutch pedal I have a like
new one sitting in my pile o parts.
A broken actuating rod will be less difficult to replace but will require bleading the system.
Either failure is a sign of a stressed clutch, the extra pressure required to depress the
clutch pedal caused the part to fail. Whichever part broke, if you replace just it the
other will be next in line to fail.
I recommend you should consider scheduling to have the clutch replaced.
>From: Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com>
>To: s-car list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Cc: jeff postupack <Jeff.Postupack at gmail.com>; Keith Franchetti <skidfranc at gmail.com>; Robert Rossato <rossato.qlist at gmail.com>; Jim Pasqualoni <jim.pasqualoni at gmail.com>; mikep77069 at aol.com; Paul Krasusky <pkrasusky at ups.com>; Tom Mullane <tmullane at gmail.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 3:56 PM
>Subject: [s-cars] Clutch Issues
>Was driving the 95.5 S6 Avant back from the dentist to my office today with
>mouth numbed and windows open and felt something "pop" in my clutch upon
>shifting into fourth gear. Clutch then stuck to floor. Pulled it up with
>my toe, but to no avail. Had to pull it over and call for AAA. Cat not
>drivable, no hydraulic pressure. Having towed to local Audi wrench.
>Thinking pressure plate or slave cylinder, perhaps master. Perhaps some
>fluid leaking that I could discern from above, was in work clothes and
>didn't want to sacrifice them. Day just keeps getting better. Was on my way
>back from having a filling repaired.
>Any thoughts on what I am up against? Only symptom preceding this was a
>weird throw-out bearing-ish noise occasionally when pulling out from a
>stand-still or when turning wheel sharply at low speed to pull into a
>parking spot. Could be unrelated though.
>Car has approximately 115k on the clock and possibly original clutch. Bill
>never replaced it and he bought it at 50-ish from Brian at Coventry
>Motorsports way back in the late 90's.
>Also, thoughts on replacement clutch to go with? Not looking for crazy
>performance, just something that has a nice cost/performance ratio. Car has
>MTM 1+ chip, samcos, big reds. That's it.
>Burlington, VT
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