[s-cars] Nokian tires

Ian Duff ian at inside-overlap.com
Sat Dec 10 07:34:56 PST 2011

I'll add some only mildly quattro-relevant anecdotal confirmation. I have Hakka R and RSi on my Jetta TDI, and Nordfrost on my wife's Jetta TDI.

Been driving/car dancing in the winter for years, been going to Winter Driving School, otherwise not a professional or trained tire evaluation driver, so take this for what it's worth: I can barely distinguish between my Hakkas and my wife's Nordfrosts across a wide range of conditions, on fairly similar cars. What minor differences I can see are prolly the placebo effect.


On 10 Dec, 2011, at 10:24, Greg Smith wrote:

> Bob
> I'm still around. Just have not been much of a Nokian fan for the the past 8 years. I have felt that the Gislaved Nordfrost has been a better functioning winter tire and at a better price. Nokian has taken big price increases the pat 6 years, when Gislaved took increases of 1/2 or 1/3 as much.  The reliability of the Gislaveds has been better than Nokians in the long term.  The one big edge that Nokian has is if someone wants a compromise tire to run year round, the Nokian WR G2 or similar will do that if you moderate your speed to conditions.  
> I've given up ice racing and ice trials.  After 30 years of doing it, the fire was not there any more.  Getting rid of a bunch of cars.  Sold off my tire siper and going to sell my tire tractionizer also.  Been selling snow tires for 33 years; not certain if I will make it to 35 years.  I'll figure out what I want to do for a living when I grow up.
> Just sold my 1990 90Q. Still have a few other 80 and 90Q sitting around. When I get a bit of time; will finish putting the heater core back into a one owner 1988 80Q that will be one of my winter drivers.
> CheersGreg Galinsky
> --- On Sat, 12/10/11, Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> wrote:
> From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
> Subject: Nokian tires
> To: "quattro list" <quattro at audifans.com>, "s-CAR list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011, 8:20 AM
> Hi Y'all,
> Is Greg Galinsky still handling Nokian tires?  Has anyone heard from him recently (like in the last year or so)?
> Bob
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