[s-cars] Hypercoil S6+ replca springs

Steve Marinello smarinello at entouch.net
Sat Feb 5 05:34:36 PST 2011


Very interesting.  My avant has Abt/Eibach's and Bilstein Sports, which 
are pretty good, but my former sedan had Koni Sports, first with H&R's 
(too low, worthlessly harsh...turned out they were actually 200q 
springs) when I originally got it, which I replaced with '92 S4 springs 
with the Koni Sports at just a hair softer than the mid point. They had 
been about 2/3 stiff.   I would say that combo was the best riding 
set-up I've driven on for my particular situation of lots of broken and 
NOT smoothly laid concrete highways and roads here in Houston.  In my 
experience, I haven't found any Eibach's to be too stiff on the S-cars, 
but they are the 'old' Sport versions and maybe soe newer ones were 
stiffer...can't believe there would be 'race' springs for the S6, but 
who knows.  Koni's on full hard would be too much, but the fix there is 
just turning them down.  I would try that before blowing money on the 
springs, although I think the S6+ springs are about the same as the 
'92's, and they do ride a bit smoother and a bit higher.


On 2/4/2011 10:57 PM, Erik Addy wrote:
> My car is currently rolling on Eibachs and Koni Sports installed by a PO.  I"m
> pretty sure they are set full soft.
> Anyway, I don't know if it is a me getting older, or the roads here in MN
> getting worse (they have gotten REALLY bad over the last 10yrs), but I think the
> car rides like crap.  I never thought my Type 44 with H&R's and Bilsteins was
> anyware near this bad, although that had 16s vs 17's.  My 90q20v with
> Eibachs and Bilsteins (and 205/50-15's) was pretty firm, but I expected that out
> of the small chasis car.  Anyway, I don't see the point of driving a "Miss
> Piggy" that rides like this.  If I'm going to suffer this kind of ride, I want
> the car to handle like a Miata or something, and that's not going to happen.
> Anyway, since I have to put the car up on stands and replace the brakes anyway,
> I was thinking of swapping the springs out.  Anyone have any experieince with
> the Hypercoil S6+ replica springs?  Seems like they may be a little
> lower/stiffer than the '92 springs, but I'm not sure.  Idealy, I would
> like feedback on how they ride vs the Eibachs, and how much higher the car would
> sit.  I would actually prefer the car be about 10mm higher anyway.
> Anyone have any '92 springs FS?  How much higher are they in the front then
> the Eibachs (I forget which variation of the Eibach I have, I think it is the
> last one).
> Thanks,
> Erik 
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