[s-cars] In Search of a 6-Speed Allroad

P. Dooley weski at verizon.net
Mon Feb 7 20:05:06 PST 2011


Our SUV bit the dust last week (2001 Isuzu Trooper) and I'm now in need 
of a replacement.  The Allroad seems to be the candidate that fits our 
needs closest.  Any leads on a 6-speed manual would be appreciated and 
the manual transmission is a must - we liked the old Trooper in a manual 
and would like to stay that way.  I'm located in western Pennsylvania 
and would like to find one soon as we are down to 1 car for the winter 
and some how I'm the one who ends up without a car each day.


Paul Dooley
95 S6 that my girlfriend some how ends up driving every day while I bum 
a ride 30 mile to work each day

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