[s-cars] Still chasing the hiccup

Wylie Bean theringmeister at triad.rr.com
Mon Jan 10 05:52:46 PST 2011

Well last night I pulled and inspected the ECU... Didn't really find anything that looked problematic but it's hard to tell whether your ignition chip is flaky. After reading Steve Eiche's post to one of the threads on QW I'm wondering about that.  Anyway, I think I've determined that the most likely scenarion that causes the hiccup is when I've just accelerated, then let off the throttle, shortly followed by light, steady throttle application as cruising speed is maintained.  This isn't to say it never happens any other time, but this seems to be most common.  So, my thoughts are now directed at the WGFV? (Output tests suggest it's fine, but). .....Can I run it with it unplugged to rule out?  EGR/PCV system?

Grasping at straws.
Wylie Bean
TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
90 cq
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92 UrS4
08 Q7 3.6
via BlackBerry®

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