[s-cars] cold start issue or external temp sensor malfunction?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 08:22:20 PST 2011


One of (I am told there are two) external temp sensors caused very intermiitent 
problems last summer indicating
in the display that it was -49 degrees outside instead of the warm +84 it was. 
Everytime it acted up I was wearing 

a suit and unable to diagnosis.

It hasn't acted up for MONTHS, well it acted up this morning indicated -49 
degrees instead of the balmy +16 that it was.
Car did not want to start, it tried but didn't .....never had this problem 
before.  As I sat there freazing my arse off pondering
what to check I glanced down and the temp display now read +16, tried starting 
again and Vrooom it started, however it
seemed to miss on one cylinder for ~30 seconds and then ran and idled fine.

I have started the car three more times this morning since then and have no 

Does sthe external temp sensors provide data for the ECU? Could the flaky 
external temp sensor cause the fuel/air mix
to be changed?

I welcome input



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