[s-cars] ping vs. rattle

james McCarthy jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 12:37:44 PST 2011

Need the wisdom of the group.

So I'm starting to think I'm getting some pinging since replacing my fuel pump (used a bosch OEM unit)... old pump was replaced as precaution 2 months ago currently running RS2 turbo, MAF, injectors, EM and IA software. Not 100% convinced it started right after the pump swap but definitely not there before.

Here are the symptoms -
At approximately 2800-3100 with moderate tip in of the throttle I get a loud rattle (machine gun/ rattle snake) that I can sustain but starts to fade if I hold it. Can also get to to occur at higher RPM but with less consistency. Rarely hear it with WOT...

Can get it to occur with the car stationary in neutral (clutch in) but much less severe (quieter).

No change in Peak boost smooth throttle with no hesitation even with WOT.

So I feel like I might have have had occasional backfire when letting of the throttle complete and quickly after WOT (but that would be a symptom of running rich correct???

No exhaust problems I can see (stroumng unit) BPV is forge unit and holds vacuum. I actually pulled the cat/ center section off this weekend - no rattle and the cat is perfect.

So I'm wondering of the "new unit" is a bit anemic??? - consider replacement - but why would this come up now - running the same setup for 2 years (no previous pinging).

If I go with the 005 or 044 - is the noise going to make me nuts?

Will dive back into the tank to make sure hose isn't kinked somehow...

No codes.

Any other thoughts?


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