[s-cars] update - was ping vs. rattle

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Thu Jan 27 00:10:59 PST 2011

 If you do not go out and buy a $20 compression gauge, spend 30 minutes and check immediately, you are insane.  You are risking serious damage.

I made these same pleas against a ton of other list speculation back when Vittorio originally posted, and he saved his engine.

I don't care how unlikely you think it is, play it safe, or you WILL be sorry.





-----Original Message-----
From: james McCarthy <jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com>
To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 8:47 pm
Subject: [s-cars] update - was ping vs. rattle

Thanks to all those who chimed in so far.

So here's what happening:

It's evolving... began with rattle/clatter/ping noticeable at 2800-3200 - didn't 
hear with WOT - I thought (perhaps) because I was just blasting through it.
It's growing in volume (and RPM range now at 18000) to a very audible and and 
become more rhythmic tick - almost valve like but more regular and stronger with 
the occasional valve clatter I've gotten when the oil got a tad low (down a 
quart). Can also faintly also hear it with falling RPM (off throttle) where as 
before you had to be on the gas.

While standing with the hood up and modulating the throttle it really sounds 
like it's coming from the head to me - released the serp belt (no change). Still 
don't hear it at idle - but perhaps I will soon...

It's definitely RPM related in frequency - no difference with clutch in or when 

Several listers speculated headgasket failure - for a little background I 
replaced the head gasket 1 year ago and put new lifters in at that time. 
Compression is 130 in all 5 with no coolant loss and no washing machine cleaning 
effect on any of the spark plugs - so HG seems less likely (no way to check leak 
down at home).

Doesn't seem like exhaust leak - stromung with no heat shields - as it sounds 
higher up. All exhaust studs are in place (wagner RS2 unit).

One last tidbit is it seems to get louder once the car is warmed up.

So where to go from here? Tempted to tear off the valve cover but if everything 
looks OK what next.

Any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.


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