[s-cars] NAC: A Car Sale Gone Wrong...

Michael Lardizabal mikellardizabal at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 28 11:10:23 PST 2011

Ha !!

Too funny...yet ohh so true....does his name rhyme w/ krusty ??

On a serious note.....this is a real wake up call for me since I've bought and 
sold more cars than ever in the last 5 yrs. Sad news.

From: Harold McComas <haroldmccomas at comcast.net>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Fri, January 28, 2011 12:51:53 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC: A Car Sale Gone Wrong...

Ya gotta watch out for those internutz. There is this one guy I learned of 
online, he hosted  a  fest ,  keeps talking about awesome cars he gets to 
drive/ finger bang, total nut job. He told me about a car waaay over in 
Western Mass, I'm in NH. MADE me drive out there. Of course once I drove way 
out there  I was FORCED to buy it.  To add insult to injury , he makes me 
feel compelled to keep attending these fests even though I sold my S6 back 
in '08.

Harold M
mit 2004 Passat 4Mo, jetzt mit 56,000 miles

> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 23:36:06 +0800
> From: "JC" <jc at j2c3.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC: A Car Sale Gone Wrong, Then a Grim
> Discovery II
> To: <hoog23 at aol.com>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <B00E429F7813481989C30B3B4795F76D at VibroSonic>
> Ooof! Some key points:
> 1 - An E90 is not a "speedster". It is a "Fat Wallowing Grand Touring Pig,
> albeit a grudgingly nice one" (disclaimer - E46 M3 snob)
> 2 - "flipped his car on snow covered streets" = "oversteer-impaired 
> Detroit
> squad car piece of shit + undertrained officer"..
> 3 - This whole story is only the LEAST of several reasons why I NEVER even
> LOOK at FS ads in the NYC Metro area.  "oh, great car, good price for
> pictures and mileage? whats that? It's in the Bronx/Yonkers?" BZZT. 
> "Staten
> Island?" BZZT. "Long Island?" BZZZT. And so on. Gotta be Fairfield /
> Westchester (Yonkers doesn't count) / Morris Ctys for me to even read the
> ad...  I know the implication here is don't SELL a car online but still...
> (and BTW the other aforementioned reasons are that most of those cars are
> complete beat-on pieces of crap)
> (also apologies for upstanding car guys living in these places... but
> still...)

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