[s-cars] //SFestX - registration now open! Also proud to announce the exciting Grand Prize to our raffle:

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Jul 8 13:25:27 PDT 2011

Oh, we've gone and done it this year - together with the generosity of Tim O'Neil, we are quite excited to offer Team O'Neil's 1 Day Ford Fiesta Rally Experience as the Grand Prize to our raffle this year!

Your odds of winning are excellent due to the intimate nature of //SFest.  Be sure to register today http://www.sfest.com/store/ where you can also purchase your raffle tickets in advance at a discount as well as an assortment of our event shirts / hoodies / etc.

Remember, pre-registering saves you $5 over paying at the gate - and more importantly it allows US to provide YOU a ***better event***.  The first ~50-75 pre-registrants will also receive our //Schwagbags.

As planning reaches full steam, know that the Just Not Rightitude is in high gear... there are some quite ludicrous endeavors in the making.  Let's just say it'd be ennnnntirely NOT RIGHT if any one of them panned out.

Lions, and tigers, and bears - OH MY!

Brace yerselfs...

-Paul and the //SFest Staff

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