[s-cars] electrical woes

Thomas R Green trgreen at comcast.net
Fri May 6 12:49:33 PDT 2011


I think I have found a good occupation for you.  They are rebuilding a  
lot of the grid after the storms in the southern US, so there are lots  
of openings.

Seriously, this is a first on the many ignition electrical switch  
replacements AFAIK.  You could have easily damaged the switch.  I  
would expect a fuse to blow on one of the many circuits that are  
switched by the ignition, but not necessarily the starter.



OnThursday, May 5, 2011, at 3:00 PM, "Phil  
Mische"<pmische at att.net>wrote:
> I at a bit of a loss.  I replaced the ignition switch - I did get a  
> few sparks when I pried the switch out of its housing (I had ignored  
> my better instincts and hadn't disconnected the battery ground -  
> didn't want to have to wake the radio back up), otherwise the job  
> seemed to go smoothly.  The old switch was in fact cracked.  Just  
> for grins I tried to start it, but the starter didn't engage; I  
> figured it had gone south with the ignition switch as so often  
> happens.
> I replaced the starter w/ a rebuilt one from Bosch.  Much to my  
> surprise, when I turned the key it still didn't turn over.  Battery  
> voltage stays up, the little dash light with the battery icon goes  
> out like it usually does, but nothing else happens, not even a click.
> What am I missing?  Is there a fusible link somewhere I may have  
> offended?  Any way the switch can go in wrong - it sure did look  
> like it was seated against the housing.  Any reports of bad switches  
> or bad rebuilt starters?  Help.
> Phil

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