[s-cars] Need tires

Larry larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun May 15 16:24:37 PDT 2011

Why not try the Conti Contact DWS. Theoretically nearly as good on the performance front (at least as far as my other forums opinions go) and I've heard notably less pricey.

sent from my iPod

On May 15, 2011, at 3:53 PM, "Lee Levitt" <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:

> The lad is going to UMass. His younger sister is heading to Manhattanville
> next fall, so I'll have 2 in college for at least a year. He's thinking
> about staying an extra year and picking up an MBA.
> He is very good about avoiding potholes, generally, so this puzzles me. And
> my daughter, who is currently driving my '99 A6 with 17" wheels and a sport
> suspension, has also been repeatedly cautioned about potholes :) (I should
> have mentioned street signs...she backed into one a couple of days ago and
> was terrified of telling me...) Shoot, the car has 185K on it...it's not
> pristine...
> Yes, the boy can afford Nokians...they're already on his winter wheels and
> they're far cheaper than deductible +... For summer tires, it looks like he
> will be getting some assistance from his father...I can't find a good set of
> 3 season tires used, so it looks like he'll be getting a set of Michelin AS
> tires. Not bad at about $120 per, and they should last a while...
> I've seen him drive...yes, he needs high performance tires. :)
> Lee
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Tom Green
> Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 3:02 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Need tires
> There are all kinds of college budgets, Lee.  If he is going to Duke,
> perhaps there is little left over for tires.  : )  But, he can afford
> Nokians?
> My advice would be some pothole avoidance training, otherwise some 6 ply
> pickup tires.  Why would he need high performance tires?  Always rushing to
> class?  : )
> Tom
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