[s-cars] 92 S4 Water in the Floorboard

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu May 26 13:43:48 PDT 2011


Usually the FAQ section in the Quattroworld UrS4/6 forum gets the nod  
for information of this type.  However, Dave Forgie
posted this reminder recently on the AW forum.  It contains all the  
information you need about plenum drains.  I am surprised
that you have missed it this long.

My recommendation:  Move the car under cover for a while.  Disconnect  
the battery to protect the ECU from any electrical power,
remove the front seats, lift the carpet and remove the ECU and take it  
inside to ensure it is dry or remove any moisture if wet.  Lift
the carpet on drivers side also and use wet/dry vac to remove as much  
moisture from the carpet and backing and cable chase under
the carpet.  Use a dehumidifier for a few days to completely dry the  
interior before reassembling.

Never neglect the plenum drains again.


Tom '95 S6
          '95.5 S6 avant
Knoxville, TN

On Thursday  May 26, 2011, at 8:34 AM, "Richard N. Harris" <rnharris at bellsouth.net 
 > wrote:

> Guys, we've had a lot rain in the Midwest this year.  I've grown weary
> removing the puddles of water in the driver's(sometimes passenger's  
> also)
> side foot well.  The sunroof and doorjamb drains are working  
> properly.  Is
> there another one that I'm missing?
> Richard

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