[s-cars] Anyone else burnt by AMD enough to file suit?
brian hoeft
qweblog at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 18:53:12 PDT 2011
Hi list,
I have been putting off this post for some time, hoping for recourse from
the source, but to no avail.
Over 3 years have gone by now since I sent Jason Petek of AMD (Addict
Motorsport Design) $1,200 and a set of '93 S4 front strut housings.
The $1,200 was towards the spherical bearing front control arms and the
front housings were intended to be modified for the use of a different
coil-over setup.
Without any caveats given to me by Jason at the time, I figured I might be
waiting a few weeks for the control arms. When weeks turned into months I
was always re-assured that his problems with material sourcing, machining,
etcetera, to fabricate the control arms was soon to happen.
He sounded to be operating in earnest, and I remained confident he was
honorable. I remained optimistic when the time (months later) came that I
really had to replace my failing control arms, expressed by disappointment
to Jason and shortly thereafter received a new set of TRW control arms.
'Great, I thought, not even Meyle, but TRW, this guy's not full of shit and
it will give him more than enough time to sort things out and get me the
spherical control arms'.
Then, allegedly, there was an accident at his shop. I believe it to be true,
but have no personal first hand knowledge. Allegedly a car fell off a lift
and nearly killed him. So, being confined to years of back and forth on
crutches, surgeries and wheelchairs myself, I had empathy for him and left
the issue alone for a good amount of time, say more than 6 months, less than
a year. I honestly made the first calls after that regarding his physical
health and car parts a distant second.
Then some time after, more tragedy, his shop was burglarized, but they found
the guys and most of his equipment,, or something like that. I don't
remember the details of that as well as the rest. Soon after is about the
time he stopped returning phone calls and e-mails.
I let some more time go and then began to call and email, without response,
'be patient Brian ' -I thought-, shit happens and you would want the same
patience, but i'm human, with a temper at times and also thought, 'No, I
wan't my effing control arms so get to it, or give me my money[debt] and
uprights back'..
More, no answer phone calls, more un-responded emails.. Finally, a couple
months ago, I get one of his employees on the phone, recognizing he probably
has little to nothing to do with the situation, if even aware of it, I
explained what I am sharing now, with him and he assured me he would relay
the message and have him get back to me. Still nothing.
I am now looking to find out if there are any other individuals or corporate
persons out there, similarly situated. I have been studying Law for several
years on much different topics than how to sue a VW/Audi vendor in a state
of foreign jurisdiction, but if I have to apply myself in another way, I
will adapt. However, if there are several others similarly situated, third
party counsel may be a possibility.
Also, if any one else knows where I could post this to question others, I am
eager to know. I stopped posting on audiworld years ago and dont visit
forums any more, but would in the hopes of finding others that have been
damaged by Jason/AMD, or to prevent future occurrences. I have no qualms
about alerting as many as I can, especially if he advertizes anywhere. I am
speaking the truth from personal experience so slander and/or libel don't
concern me. I am not out to harass or attack ones character. The truth is
damning enough.
Good evening all.
* -Brian*
[blinders off&ear <>plugs out]
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