[s-cars] OT & NAC - Moon talk

McCall, Randy rmccall at nexant.com
Mon Aug 27 13:41:14 PDT 2012

For sure there are some here that remember 20 July 1969, but for those who don't, let me explain...  The moon landing was a BIG event.
In the daze before VCR's, I filmed it off my B&W TV via my 8mm camera and ventured to DT Chicago to record the ticker tape parade.  Still have that film stored away somewhere.
So far the greatest achievement of humankind that I have ever witnessed.
Came across this UK article calling for a state funeral.
I think it's a great idea.  If not Neil Armstrong, who?   But; will probably not happen (for political reasons butofcourse.)



As the son of a USAF fighter pilot, and one who had trained with several of the Apollo astronauts, two of whom (friends that is) died in the Apollo 1 capsule fire before the first moon shot, we all sat transfixed watching the live TV coverage with awe and trepidation.  I was a teenager by then, so I could appreciate the total coolness of this feat, and I think my dad was justifiably proud of his profession and colleagues.  But officers in the USAF were by my recollection, trained to keep their mouths pretty much shut about stuff; I in fact heard very little about his "adventures" such as the year he spent night bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail over N. Vietnam a few years later, or other such things.  Most of the officers I knew as my school buddies dad's were humble, unassuming and very self confident without having to be centers of attention - almost all engineering types.  I met Buzz Aldrin (his kid was in my class at EAFB), as well as a few other X-15 and etc. test pilots down at Edwards, and they all seemed pretty much the kind of people that did their jobs with absolute seriousness, but were just basic folks you might live next door too without ever knowing what sort of amazing exploits they were up too for their day jobs.  Although I must say some of the parties they had included a fair share of adult beverages...

Hope we have some more hero's of their type to look up to for the future!

Thanks Neil and company!

-Randy- remembers it and kinda lived it ala Walter Mitty!


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