[s-cars] comments appreciated

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Aug 29 11:39:03 PDT 2012


5 years ago I asked this group for recommendations on a "play" car -- 
summer driver and autocross/track day car.

Pretty much everyone responded with an "M" car recommendation.

So I picked up an '01 A4 quattro avant, 1.8t. Had a *lot* of fun with it 
over the past five years.

Looks like my son will be moving out of his '97 A6 and into this '01 A4 
sometime soon...which leaves me without a summer play car...

I'm back for more recommendations, and given my track record, I'm not 
going to listen again (particularly if the answer is "M" car). :)

Here's the question...same criteria as before...still not interested in 
an "M" car. Thinking about a Porsche 968 or perhaps an early 996 C2.

968s are relatively inexpensive to purchase (~$10K) and reasonably 
competitive in autocross. I believe they've already hit the bottom of 
their depreciation curve. Older car, starting to age slightly, not yet 
difficult to keep on the road...

Early (2002) 996s are inexpensive to purchase ($20K+) and also 
reasonably competitive, in their classes. Newer car, more to break, 
potentially more expensive when it breaks. I know about the IMS and RMS 
problems, would look for a car with upgraded seals...

Again, primary use will be daily driver in the summer. 968 would 
probably see some increasing (and shared) use as an autocross/track car 
by several people (me, son, daughter, friend with 997TT, his sons), and 
eventually replaced as DD by later 996 or 997. If I went the 996 route, 
we would eventually add a 944 or 968 as shared autocross/track car.

Virtually no seat time in either yet, working on that now. I've spent a 
lot of time on Rennlist, know (intellectually) the basics, but have no 
day to day experience with either of these cars...

Boxster would be an obvious, but non-viable alternative...not really 
interested in pure two seat convertible...Winter car remains '99 A6 wagon.

I know some of you have P-car afflictions in addition to our shared Audi 

Comments appreciated.



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