[s-cars] Thanksgiving Misadventure

JC jc at j2c3.com
Mon Jan 9 09:56:31 PST 2012

Keith you are fully aware that within 2 weeks of selling that tool, that 
one or more cars in your household are certain to shoot a plug through 
the hood and require the same repair, right?  Virtually guaranteed.  ;^)

On 1/9/2012 12:32 PM, Keith Franchetti wrote:
> Nope.  TimeSert instructions and video make it very clear they intend for
> this to be done "over the fender."  That's how I did it--with a
> little drizzle going on to boot!  Took about 50 minutes, at a very slow and
> relaxed pace.  Great tool.  Repair feels very secure and permanent.
> Will be selling the tool if anyone is considering.  The inserts themselves
> are $2.99.  Easy to find on ebay and Amazon, among other places.
> Keith
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Jerry Scott<jerryscott at wispertel.net>wrote:
> /75 8180/

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