[s-cars] Misfire Diagnostic Help

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Jan 20 09:46:37 PST 2012

I bought the full deal when I first heard about it and have used it 
pretty regularly for maybe 7 or 8 years. Steve, when did we buy our 
green wagons?

A very useful investment, and the cable purchase helped to support a 
small tech company focused on VAG products.


On 1/16/2012 5:35 PM, racingiron at comcast.net wrote:
> I have a cheap knock-off set of cables, but it took me two tries off eBay.  First one just never showed up and I had to get a PayPal refund.  Can anyone tell me if I can use the lite S/W to allow setting the independent use of the recirc button on the climate control?  I found some old posts that vaguely described changing a block or something, somewhere, somehow, but I haven't found anything in the lite version that looks like it'll do it.
> BTW, I plan to purchase the full version when/if I need it, but really the recirc thing and some basic climate diags is all I'm looking for at the moment.
> Thanks,

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