[s-cars] Where can I find part numbers?

Thomas Rodriguez trodri69 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 14:19:13 PDT 2012

I got my CD-ROM version of the Bentley repair manual up and running
today on my laptop.  I immediately went to the sections that deal with
my high-priority repair and maintenance issues, and I'm happy with the
level of detail provided in the schematics.  It's good to have a road
map. I'm also happy to see the torque settings for each bolt.

Now, where can I find the part numbers for the various parts shown on
the schematic diagrams?  The big primary parts aren't so difficult to
find on-line without a part number, but if I need to replace an
o-ring, bushing, seal, banjo bolt, etc. I will need to know the part

'95 S6

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