[s-cars] 95.5 S6A fuel pump check valve failing

McCall, Randy rmccall at nexant.com
Fri Jul 20 16:42:15 PDT 2012

Thanks Graham, but the question is stock pump or other, and is the check valve part of a stock or other pump?  Filter has been changed recently, FPR seems to be doing its job correctly.

-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Hicks [mailto:urs6turbo at yahoo.ca] 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:56 PM
To: McCall, Randy
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 95.5 S6A fuel pump check valve failing

You are on borrowed time for sure with 175 on the original pump, but the fuel pressure regulator (on the end of the fuel rail, not included with a pump) would be a good starting point too.
I would replace the fuel filter too.  


Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-07-20, at 7:47 PM, "McCall, Randy" <rmccall at nexant.com> wrote:

> I've been driving relatively trouble free for too long apparently!  My 95.5 S6A has recently started showing signs of hard starting - after it shuts down the cranking time has now gone way up.  I at first though perhaps the CPS was going south with some of the first hot weather we've had here in the Willamette valley, but I'm now more convinced that it's the check valve that isn't holding pressure in the fuel lines.  Car runs perfect once it gets fuel, but takes several tries to get it to kick off after I've driven and shut the car off for more than 10-15 minutes.
> This is a chipped car with about 175K on the original fuel pump -presumably, as I don't have records of it being changed prior to when I bought it at about 92K.  Probably time to do a FP before it also fails...Any consensus on whether to replace the fuel pump with stock instead of other aftermarket choices, and does a stock FP include a new check valve?  Relaying the FP could be part of the replacement process as well as I see that is often a recommendation.
> Thanks,
> -Randy
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