[s-cars] Front console

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 18:08:22 PDT 2012

You have to take the rear console off first. There should be a writeup in
the FAQ on Quattroworld in the S4/S6 forum- if not let me know and I can do
one from memory.

As far as fitting a double DIN, you have 2 options:
1) Remove the row of switches and have it extend up from the stock radio
position. There's enough room for you to relocate 6 of the switches to
below the CC head, replacing the ashtray.
2) Remove the ash tray and have it extend down from the stock radio

If you do 2), the climate control head may hit the airbag controller. BTDT.


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Martin Baggenstos <
martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a 95 s6 and am thinking of doing a retrofit of a double din audi
> stereo and was hoping to get some advice on how to get the front console
> off. Ebahn says I need to take the rear console off first. Is this true.
> Does anyone happen to have a faq on this perhaps. Thanks.
> Martin
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