[s-cars] Coolant leak and Servotronic

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 13:08:17 PDT 2012

When mine leaked (happened in the winter) I replaced my pump with a
1/2" barbed hose hot water rated PVC elbow.  I replaced my pump with
one (an AAN one) from someplace (recall is not great here, sorry)
called Mountain Auto or Mountain Audi from Boulder for about $100,
although that was in 2004 dollars not our current wimpy ones.  As I
recall, there is a M-B pump which is essentially the same part for
less than the AAN pump, but if the Autoparts Warehouse price is about
$97, I'd go for that just to save the connector hassle.

On 3/16/12, Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com> wrote:
> 99% probability it is the pump.  Replace with splice until you get a new
> one... if ever.  The number of cars I've seen with these inop and no
> turbo issues makes me wonder if just letting a little cool down happen
> after a hard run is all that you need.
> On 3/16/2012 11:05 AM, Keith Franchetti wrote:
>> Hi All-
>> I have a slow coolant leak.  I'm pretty sure I've found it.  With car hot
>> and idling, there is a slow drip coming from bottom of the after run pump.
>> It does not look like the hose.  And I don't think the pump is running
>> when
>> I shut off the car, though I understand it can be tough to tell if it's
>> running.  I don't hear it or feel it.  Car was at operating temp, but
>> outside temp was only 50 F.  Not sure it it would normally be running in
>> that condition.  Anyway, does it sound like I just need to replace this
>> pump?  Thanks for the help.  (I tried to check knowledgebase, but it seems
>> to be down at the moment).
>> Also, Steve, I pulled my functioning servotronic relay out the day I got
>> the car.  I don't like the cadilac feel it gives you.  Anyway, I have no
>> idea what a fair price would be for it.  Feel free to make an offer.
>> (Pulled the one for my '01 A6 as well!)
>> Keith
>> 95.5 S6 Avant
>> 01 A6 2.7T
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