[s-cars] Shocking!

Steve Voit stevevoit at comcast.net
Sun Nov 4 10:07:01 PST 2012


The lifetime of my Bilstein shocks has been lousy - I put 'em on (too
damped);  run the car for a few thousand miles (they become perfect); and
then about 10k miles later the rebound is too soft.  I want to try something

Koni adjustable?


Appreciate any recommendations from other listers, I have Eibach springs.


(oh, and I have a near-zero mile set of Happersized Bilsteins that I had
factory modified (at time of purchase) to the preferred dampening - to harsh
for me; contact me at stevevoit at comcast.net)


Steve Voit

95.5 S6

Seattle, WA


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