[s-cars] Remote V1, was C5 A6 wet footwell resolved

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sun Sep 9 16:34:21 PDT 2012

On 9/9/2012 7:23 PM, Bruce Mendel wrote:
> Also:
> http://www.legalspeeding.com/products.htm#radarbox

Yep, this is the one I'm thinking about.

>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Valentine-One-V1-8-REMOTE-housing-Hide-Your-V1-/251141413347?pt=US_Radar_Laser_Detectors&hash=item3a7931d9e3 

I'm not clear on whether this box has a clear window for the front view. 
I've asked the seller about this.

>>> A piece of Velcro adhesive backed tape stuck on the bottom of the V1 
>>> will allow you to just stick the unit on your rear "package shelf" 
>>> just to one side or the other of the third brake light. Makes a 
>>> usable location for the V1 and requires only a little creative wire 
>>> running to get it working there.  You can even hide it under your 
>>> NASCAR hat (basically transparent to radar signals) to decrease 
>>> visibility to miscreants.  ;-)

This doesn't solve the issue of my windshield being opaque to radar 
signals. :(

...and my wagon doesn't have a package shelf. :)


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