[s-cars] Not Rattled

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Mon Sep 17 08:43:02 PDT 2012


Could Franz und Fritz have possibly had zu much bier mit lunch the 
day that Fritz "tightened" those two nuts?


At 11:29 AM 9/17/2012, bill mahoney wrote:
>So after having endured an annoying rattle emitted from behind the glovebox
>all summer, I finally removed the glove box and investigated yesterday.
>There were two nuts that had loosened, each with a large washer that had
>been free to rattle around since the nut was loose.  These are located
>behind the glove box, just above the duct that goes to the right dash vent.
>So, I tightened them up and, believe it or not, the red pig avant is now
>rattle free as if it were new.
>It's just that for the life of me, I cannot figure out how either of these
>nuts had come loose.
>Anyone else ever have this paranormal activity going on?
>So many things there are that I just can't figure, e.g.
>Bill~rattled no more~M
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