[s-cars] Ordering Tires From Amazon

Mike Sylvester mike at urq20v.com
Mon Apr 1 07:30:09 PDT 2013

I've been buying a lot of stuff through Amazon and also have Prime.
I've had no issues yet.  I haven't bought any tires, but it shouldn't

I also have the Conti DWS on my S6 avant.
I like them. I run them year round.  I have snow tires as well, but this
winter I didn't switch over.

Shirley, MA

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [s-cars] Ordering Tires From Amazon
> From: Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net>
> Date: Mon, April 01, 2013 10:10 am
> To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Hey all-
> 	Getting ready to order some new summer tires for my '95 S6.  I was just 
> going to order from Tire Rack, but did a quick look, and I can get the 
> same tires through Amazon Prime for the same price, but free shipping, 
> which will saves about $50.
> 	Any reason not to go this route?  Anyone have any horror stories with 
> Amazon?
> 	99% sure going with the Conti DWS's.  This is just a daily driver, so 
> I'm looking for a good all around tire. I have winter tires, but in the 
> NE it's not unusual to get caught in snow "out of season", so I want a 
> tire that can handle light snow.
> 	Also, thinking of going with a 225/55 instead of the 225/50 to give me 
> a little more pot hole protection.  Thoughts?
> 	Thanks!
> Paul Luevano
> Wayland MA
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