[s-cars] Windshield Glass Help (NAC)

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Thu Apr 25 19:40:04 PDT 2013

If Donny said it, I believe it!

He has been doing my windshields for at least 15 years.


On Apr 25, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Peter Schulz <p.schulz at verizon.net> wrote:

> Don Cotton, of Village Glassmith who is THE recommended Audi Glass installer in eastern Mass used the Chinese glass on my S6's recent glass replacement.
> As critical as he is, he said he has not had any issues with the Chinese made glass, and I'm very happy with the install and the quality of the glass.
> He did the replacement on a 10F winter day in his garage..

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