[s-cars] Source for rear calipers

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 14 13:34:30 PDT 2013

Tony: Don't you still have KVR in the Ottawa area?

In the past I have used Fenco rebuilds (which at the time, lucky me, were new Girlings with the VW/OOOO logo
 epoxied over).  Fenco since went bankrupt.  I think Cardone might have stepped in and filled the gap.  

A quick search on Rock Auto shows up a number of choices, at least for a Audi 1993 S4.

 (not sure if the link will lead you to exactly what I was looking at or not)

Here is a link to my rear brake caliper DIY, origially from 2004:

Good luck.

Dave F.

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