[s-cars] Castrol GTX High Mileage Oil

John Cunningham jc at j2c3.com
Mon Dec 16 18:37:38 PST 2013

Lol Taka. I also am un-Scott-approved but i had thought that A. Coking on modern gear and oils wasnt really an issue, B. some synthetics arent ideal due to ash depending on the additive package (like the T6 i run DOH) but M1 is actually a pretty good choice for turbo syn, D. that the "mileage" oils in particular are not great for turbo applications but more for carbon / ash deposit reasons in the motor than anything else...welcome corrections to any of above... Don't welcome corrections if they have to come with a side helping of scorn and abuse, of course but ya get what ya get on teh innerwebz.  

Sent from a flat touchy device of some sort

John J. Cunningham
US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
China Mobile: +86 136 8175 8180

> On Dec 16, 2013, at 14:49, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would not do that myself- going from full synthetic to a conventional oil
> with seal swellers doesn't really make sense to me, especially if
> you've had no issues with running synthetic. The synthetic will last longer
> and be more resistant to viscosity breakdown, often has a lower
> pour point and a higher flash point.
> However, you should ask Scott because I am not qualified to answer any
> questions about cars at all.
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Thomas Rodriguez <trodri69 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> My '95 S6 has 245K miles.  Head was rebuilt about 40K miles ago but
>> otherwise the engine is original. I've been using Mobil 1 5W/30 synthetic
>> motor oil for as long as I can remember. Engine runs strong. I add about a
>> quart between scheduled oil and filter changes every 3K miles.  Otherwise
>> there are no signs of burning or leaking oil.
>> Last week my mechanic recommended we switch to Castrol GTX High Mileage
>> 5W/30. I agreed and have driven about 300 miles with this oil in the
>> engine.  I understand that this oil is not synthetic.
>> Any thoughts about using the Castrol GTX HM oil?
>> Tom
>> '95 S6
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